Workman SS56 Noise Cancelling Mic!

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Workman SS56 Noise Cancelling Mic!


Post by PeteRob »

Greetings Everyone, Just wanted to jump in here and talk about this mic. I recently came across one of these for free. It was brand new. When I first looked at it I thought it was a Road King 56, but it was a Workman. Now I think these two mics are made by different manufacturers, but the insides of the Workman look exactly like the RK56 insides right down to the wire colors and those little diodes, resistors, or whatever they are. The Workman also felt like a RK56 in my hand and it seemed to "weigh" the same also...

Now don't get me wrong...I am not talking up either of these mics...just relating an observation to ya guys...with that said...

Here's the kicker...I listened to both of these mics on a handheld cb and on my buddies Connex from about 2 miles away while her jabberjawed on my Cobra 29. I thought he was messing with me at first because both mics sounded the same...and by that I mean damn good! Now my Cobra 29 is stock except for VR4 (the modulation pot) is turned up about 3/4's of the way towards max. I couldn't believe it, especially after hearing how "cheap & junky" the Workman SS56 mic was for quality. Well...I don't know if it will stand the test of time so I am not going to knock it just yet.

Well there it is...You guys chime in here and let us know what you know about the Workman SS56 Noise Cancelling mic...Is it junk...or...Not?


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