ceramic vs. polyester

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Joined: October 16th, 2009, 5:57 am
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ceramic vs. polyester


Post by gunner57 »

I am looking for a new older Astatic mic. I have been trying to save to get the 611L which has a ceramic cartridge. I found a 616L that is half the price. I think that the 611L replaced the 616L and they seem to be the same except the 611 has a ceramic cartridge and the 616 has a polyester cartridge. Ceramic definately seems like it would be better and hold up to moisture and heat better? Is it? How about sound quality? I would like to get a cheaper price, but don't want to skimp out for a cheaper product. If they are close in quality, etc. than I can get the 616L. Either way, I need to look into getting a longer mic cord. Both come with a 6ft cable that is just too damn short. That is why I ruined my stock mic on my Galaxy.
Galaxy 95t2-X-force TNT 600HD-102"
Uniden Grant XL
Uniden Madison V4
Galaxy 929
Uniden PC76 XLW
Cobra 146 GTL
Cobra 138 XLR
Cobra 29 WX NW
Cobra 25 WX ST
Johnson 4230
Uniden Pro510XL
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