Sporty Mike, 2 thumbs way up

Place any good comments or company referrals here to sponsors or with individuals on the forum selling used equipment.
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Wordwide & Qualified
Wordwide & Qualified
Posts: 798
Joined: October 26th, 2009, 2:20 pm
Handle: none
Real Name: Dustin 664
Antenna: Will1000
Radio: Omegaforce S45HP

Sporty Mike, 2 thumbs way up


Post by dime196604 »

Me and mike traded a few items, and the stuff he sent me was in better shape then he said, and the radio came with a CB operators manual and log book, and the official cb operators road map, and the radios owners manual, and the original owners FCC citizens radio operating license, the radio is cherry, all this stuff is from the mids 70's and all the books and paper work are MINT not a crease or mark on any thing... I am very pleased, and am looking forward to dealing with him in the future.
It ain't broke till you smell the smoke
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