New Watergate category

You can put a videogate, watergate on Putfile or YouTube, and put the URL links in your post. Anyone can get a free account on Putfile to store their gates, and it even gives you the BB code to post in your message for the link.
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New Watergate category


Post by THUMPER »

Watergate category here you can put the watergates on Putfile and put the url links in your post" so we don't use Bozo's space to store them,Anyone can get a free account on Putfile to store their gates, and it even gives you the BB code to post in your message for the link. please do not post any thing that is hard natured dont know what to post check out cbrt forum rules

thanks 521
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Joined: August 31st, 2004, 1:06 pm
Handle: Bozo The Clown
Real Name: James Wadsworth
Antenna: Monkey Made MM9
Radio: General Lee Radio


Post by Bozo »

Just if you guys curious... the website URL to go upload your watergates is:


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