Triple 7

You can put a videogate, watergate on Putfile or YouTube, and put the URL links in your post. Anyone can get a free account on Putfile to store their gates, and it even gives you the BB code to post in your message for the link.
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521 Houston

Triple 7


Post by 521 Houston »

Triple 7 on 26.915... this was a tough one.. not much but a recognition that he did hear me.

Click here to hear Triple 7


Post by BigBubbaBD »

Nice again.

Killing me out here in the carolinas.. Still 0 conditions out here. Just hooked up and metered my buddys radio in his truck then was gona show him how its done in my truck and yet again had to talk local.
But its all good made 2 strong contacts about 15 miles away sitting in the driveway. But that dosnt count I know I can talk local lol.
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