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International Skip

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 7:24 pm
by gunner57
Talked to a guy in Wales today on 38 LSB. There was a ton of traffic, so it was a pretty good trip from Maine in the mobile. I'm surprised I got through. He said I was giving him 7 lbs on the S-meter. He was coming in the same on my end. It was my first trip to Europe, lol.

Re: International Skip

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 8:43 pm
by silvereagle1
Congrats on the long distance... I have yet to get past California or Puerto Rico.. I hit California every single day. I've heard the UK a few times but not often.

Re: International Skip

Posted: October 13th, 2013, 3:48 am
by Buzzweiser
Most often if we are going to hear Europe and Asia it's during this time in the fall. Much of that has to do with the Sun and the corresponding sunspot count. There are several other factors involved too but that is the primary reason. You will find a period during the late winter and early spring that works well too. Depending on who you ask we are coming off of the Solar maximum of the current sunspot cycle. Although prior to a few weeks ago when the Sun was barely doing anything in regards to sunspots we are very close to beginning the decline in sunspots and thus while we may still have a period of great DX coming that too will soon decline for a few to several years. So get em while you can. Also keep in mind that if you hear Europe in the early day later in the day we might be able to hit Western Asia and Australia equally well as the earth rotates. It's not an exact science but you can "plot your hops" with a good world map. Also watch where the grey line is.
Congrats on your DX'ing!!

Good hunting.........
