231 riff raff in Miami to 501 northern Maine

Let's just talk skip... a great place to join the prestigious CB radio Hall of Fame.
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Posts: 306
Joined: October 16th, 2009, 5:57 am
Real Name: Doug
Antenna: Wilson 1000 roof mnt
Radio: Galaxy 95t2-TNT 600H

231 riff raff in Miami to 501 northern Maine


Post by gunner57 »

Made a contact down to Miami, FL to 231. I tried to ask, but I caught him right before a big pile up. I had a guy down in Mississippi smokin my receiver right at the same time so I kept it short. I was wondering if it is the forum administrator 231?
Galaxy 95t2-X-force TNT 600HD-102"
Uniden Grant XL
Uniden Madison V4
Galaxy 929
Uniden PC76 XLW
Cobra 146 GTL
Cobra 138 XLR
Cobra 29 WX NW
Cobra 25 WX ST
Johnson 4230
Uniden Pro510XL
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