711 Arizona on 26.775

Let's just talk skip... a great place to join the prestigious CB radio Hall of Fame.
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Joined: June 23rd, 2013, 4:55 pm
Handle: Silver Eagle
Real Name: Mark
Antenna: Sirio Turbo 5000
Radio: President Lincoln 2

711 Arizona on 26.775


Post by silvereagle1 »

Today was the first time I have talked skip to someone on (D) band 26.775 AM and it was clear without a hundred stations coming in. I'm starting to really enjoy the galaxy 99v2 now. I mostly stay on 11 meter section on my radio because to be honest I've not really heard much on the other bands But today I turned the knob down to D and started looking around the dial and I found 711 out of Arizona talking to another station I couldn't hear. It was just 711 on my end that's all I could hear. No dx overload of other stations chiming in. I called out to him and within a minute he called back and we talked for a few minutes without interruption. That my friends is a good feeling.... if I didn't appreciate my galaxy before, I sure do now. I have no idea if 711 Arizona is a member here I forgot to ask him but if he is I'd like to say hello again from 567 East Tennessee
President Lincoln 2
Sirio Turbo 5000 Roof Mount
567 East Tennessee
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