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Baofeng UV5R & GMRS

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Baofeng UV5R & GMRS


Post by radionut373 »

Does anyone know if the Baofeng UV5R is legal to use on the GMRS frequencies? :mrgreen:
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North Texas Mudduck
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Post by North Texas Mudduck »

Baofeng wattage on low power is 1 watt on high power its 4 watts
now you find the legal output of a gmrs radio
and you will have your answer

And No
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Post by Radar-DLDN »

GMRS and FRS are "type accepted" frequencies, same as CB. That means it is only legal to transmit on those frequencies with an unaltered FCC approved radio. So no, it is never legal to use an amateur radio on GMRS or FRS.

That being said... Much like using an export on 11-meters, the odds of you running afoul of the lawmen are low unless you are doing something stupid. I have the FRS frequencies programmed in my 5R (set to low power) and use it occasionally. So far never had a problem and doubt I will.
Radar - Toledo, Ohio - Mod Duck
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Post by 1 ADAM 12 »

What are the benefits of using GMRS and FRS? Are they more popular among the "average joe" than the CB and HAM these days? I have personally never used GMRS or FRS. It seems that they would be a little weak if only 1 watt is allowed during TX. Thanks.
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Post by alfred56 »

I am licensed in gmrs now the gmrs only frequencies have a limit of 50 watts and shared gmrs and FRS are 5 watts FRS only limited to 1/2 watt the license is $90 and Letts you use repeaters and not a bad deal 90 dollars for 5 years you are aloud to use part 95 and I believe 90 type accepted radios
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