Does single sided RAM alwas = high density?

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Does single sided RAM alwas = high density?


Post by LocomtvBreth »

In researching, I have found that double sided RAM is generally associated with low density, while single sided is associated with high density RAM. My ASUS K8N is currently running (1) 512 double sided stick, and (2) 256 single sided sticks, and the PC is showing roughly 1 Gb at 333Hz.
Furthermore, my MB manual does not indicate the density required for this board, however there is a chart showing "memory configurations" for double sided and single sided chips. I have double, single, single, and it is running 333 just as the manual states. The "DDR Qualified Vendors List" shows about a 50/50 mix of SS and DS chips, with 100% of 512MB being DS.
Is it possible that an older DESKTOP MB was intended to run high density RAM? Does density only become an issue over 1Gb/stick?

This is with Linux Mint 17 Xfce

Code: Select all

aaron@aaron-K8N ~ $ vmstat -s
      1025820 K total memory
       939812 K used memory
       380656 K active memory
       440244 K inactive memory
        86008 K free memory
        26136 K buffer memory
       386452 K swap cache
      1046524 K total swap
        13920 K used swap
      1032604 K free swap
       281682 non-nice user cpu ticks
        21776 nice user cpu ticks
        79591 system cpu ticks
       988362 idle cpu ticks
        33131 IO-wait cpu ticks
            1 IRQ cpu ticks
         4500 softirq cpu ticks
            0 stolen cpu ticks
      1046079 pages paged in
      1412568 pages paged out
          843 pages swapped in
         3575 pages swapped out
      4103556 interrupts
     15915643 CPU context switches
   1408052833 boot time
         4183 forks

Code: Select all

aaron@aaron-K8N ~ $ sudo dmidecode --type 17
[sudo] password for aaron: 
# dmidecode 2.12
SMBIOS 2.3 present.

Handle 0x003C, DMI type 17, 27 bytes
Memory Device
	Array Handle: 0x003A
	Error Information Handle: Not Provided
	Total Width: 72 bits
	Data Width: 64 bits
	Size: 512 MB
	Form Factor: DIMM
	Set: None
	Locator: DIMM0
	Bank Locator: BANK0
	Type: DDR
	Type Detail: Synchronous
	Speed: 333 MHz
	Manufacturer: Manufacturer0
	Serial Number: SerNum0
	Asset Tag: AssetTagNum0
	Part Number: PartNum0

Handle 0x003E, DMI type 17, 27 bytes
Memory Device
	Array Handle: 0x003A
	Error Information Handle: Not Provided
	Total Width: 72 bits
	Data Width: 64 bits
	Size: 256 MB
	Form Factor: DIMM
	Set: None
	Locator: DIMM1
	Bank Locator: BANK1
	Type: DDR
	Type Detail: Synchronous
	Speed: 333 MHz
	Manufacturer: Manufacturer1
	Serial Number: SerNum1
	Asset Tag: AssetTagNum1
	Part Number: PartNum1

Handle 0x0040, DMI type 17, 27 bytes
Memory Device
	Array Handle: 0x003A
	Error Information Handle: Not Provided
	Total Width: 72 bits
	Data Width: 64 bits
	Size: 256 MB
	Form Factor: DIMM
	Set: None
	Locator: DIMM2
	Bank Locator: BANK2
	Type: DDR
	Type Detail: Synchronous
	Speed: 333 MHz
	Manufacturer: Manufacturer2
	Serial Number: SerNum2
	Asset Tag: AssetTagNum2
	Part Number: PartNum2
-- Thursday, 14 August 2014, 18:21 PM --

Nevermind, I found this;
High density RAM

In the context of the 1 GB non-ECC PC3200 SDRAM module, there is very little visually to differentiate low density from high density RAM. High density DDR RAM modules will, like their low density counterparts, usually be double-sided with eight 512 Mbit chips per side. The difference is that for each chip, instead of being organized in a 64M×8 configuration, it is organized with 128 Mbits and a data width of 4 bits, or 128M×4.

High density memory modules are assembled using chips from multiple manufacturers. These chips come in both the familiar 22 × 10 mm (approx.) TSOP2 and smaller squarer 12 × 9 mm (approx.) FBGA package sizes. High density chips can be identified by the numbers on each chip.

High density RAM devices were designed to be used in registered memory modules for servers. JEDEC standards do not apply to high-density DDR RAM in desktop implementations.[citation needed] JEDEC's technical documentation, however, supports 128M×4 semiconductors as such that contradicts 128×4 being classified as high density. As such, high density is a relative term, which can be used to describe memory which is not supported by a particular motherboard's memory controller.
1138 Oregon
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