SSB Transmit and receive.

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SSB Transmit and receive.


Post by copper_106 »

I am new green etc. I have been listening on LSB channel 38. The radio, RCI 6900Fhp and a Wilson 5000 antenna. My question is. Receiving is 27.3852 and I am locked in at 27.3849 on transmit. If I was to try to transmit back with the offset can the other operators hear me on 27.3852? How does this work? Opinion on a normal transmit distance would be appreciated also with this set up? Hearing things coming in from all over.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: SSB Transmit and receive.


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hello copper_106,
Welcome to the forum. Like most RCI radios, out of the box they are a little off frequency, yours just happens to be not enough to give the receiving radio a problem clarifying you in. A good tune (don't let them talk you into turning the power to max) and alignment would get you right on the money but don't let that stop you from talking.
As a new member could you post an intro in the "Welcome to the Forum" topic, [Please login or register to view this link] , so others can say "Hi".


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