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Whiskey Man
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Post by Whiskey Man »

Just wondering if anyone knows how to program this scanner. It comes preloaded with each state but it still doesn't work for me. Don't know if it's me or the scanner. I've got my state showing but it says id search running across the screen but I have no signal and can't tell it's scanning. I must be missing something. Any ideas?
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Re: BCD396XT


Post by MDYoungblood »

There is a couple of sites on the net that have programs to setup what your looking for, can't post the name because it's another forum but plenty of info there, most is free, just "Google" the scanner. You will have to get the patch cable to hook it to the computer.


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Re: BCD396XT


Post by silvereagle1 »

I bought the BCD436HP last month and it's a whole different animal than the scanners I've had in the past. I think your 396 Is about the same as my 436. I've had dozens of scanners over the years and this one is for sure different. I know what you mean about the programming. I like programming them myself the heck with the software programming but these newer scanners are designed more like computers instead of radio equipment. I eventually gave in and just typed in my zip code to program mine and after I done that I was able to put the station IDs in a scan list or favorite list as they call them now and it's working fine. I don't care much about the new digital sound police departments are using it sounds too robotic. wish they would have stayed analog.
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Re: BCD396XT


Post by MDYoungblood »

The computer software makes it easier to keep the things you want to hear and get rid to the things you don't, makes it easier to fix if you make a mistake, same goes for the small 2m/440mhz HT's.
I don't listen a lot to scanners but if I do I use an app on my iPhone, just push one button and it brings up the agency's near me at the time as long as they have streaming audio.


"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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