Happy Valentine's Day!

I am finally selling off my inventory Check the FOR SALE sec

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Joined: March 13th, 2009, 2:54 pm
Handle: Rick
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Antenna: Wilson 2000
Radio: HR 2510

I am finally selling off my inventory Check the FOR SALE sec


Post by TheCBDoctor »

I have a few items listed under the FOR Sale section. I will be posting items as I sell them off. We are only allowed to post three items at any time. I am giving members of my favorite and only Radio Website a chance to check out what I have. If an item does not sell I will have to move on and put it up for sale on eBay. I never visit any other CB website. In my opinion this is the best and only Radio Forum on the Internet. That is why I have been a sponsor of this site for 5 years.

Items can only be listed for three weeks before being removed. Most items will not be listed again. There are a few things I may post again.

Currently I have a book on Tube design circuits published in 1941. I have an LED tester that must be 30 years old, which is brand new in the box, and a Expo expansion "A+" Kit for 29 LTD Classics and the Cobra 1000 GTL. (40 up and 40 down)

Please no offers under this listing; go to the For Sale section for details. I have a lot more to sell in the future, including CB test equipment. I am still taking inventory. After 30 years I am retiring and have a ton of stuff for sale. I want to find it all a good home.

Again, please don't do business under this post; go to the "For Sale" section.

Respectfully as always
Respectfully as always,

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