YAESU FDM-400DR/DE Cross Band Repeat FM to C4FM?

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Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
Antenna: Imax 2000. Hex Beam, G5RV dipole, Jpole(UHF/VHF) Austin Suburban Tri Band (UHF/VHF)
Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

YAESU FDM-400DR/DE Cross Band Repeat FM to C4FM?


Post by De_Wildfire »

Anyone know how I can cross band repeat FM to C4FM? I can get it to cross band repeat from FM to FM but not FM to C4FM (digital). Is there a back door hack out there floating around? I use the digital repeater all the time when I am on the base but I would like to use my handie talkie in the mobile which is FM and the radio at home as a repeater at the house to go into the digital repeater 30 miles away. More people are using C4FM than regular FM on that repeater. Anyone have this radio and know a hidden function in the software code or function of the radio? I can get into the cross band repeat mode by holding three buttons (the GM, F and Disp) at the same time when turn on the power but it always defaults to cross band repeat FM. The handi talkie is nice because I can get in and out of the car with it and hit the repeater. Any ideas?
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