The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!

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The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!


Post by projectcop »

Man, I was hearing Texas, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, all over!
I'm finally impressed with this little set up I've got's inspiring me to go a bit bigger!
Yes, CBRT 27360,.... the "360 northern California mobile" hit the 151 in Wisconsin this morning on 17AM....
What makes this so remarkable to me?
Well let me tell ya about this little rig here, folks....
My old Philly Cobra 148 DK'n at 2 and swinging to about 9-10 watts (early 90's?)
D-104 minuteman 2 mic (marked 12/1983)
Shooting star 225 (from mid 90"s) with 2 60 watt pills
Long shaft Predator 10K on R/R corner of bed on my F150
About 10:40 AM Cali time
Going 65 MPH down Eastbound I-80 at Fairfield, Ca!!
Yes, guys; I know I sound like I'm braggin' but man I've never made a contact like that before!
OK; I'm hooked....need a few more pills to be able to handle my Bullet Bob tuned 148F with 1 watt DK swinging to about 27 watts and I'll be kickin' some butt on the air during those skip conditions....cant wait..!!!!

73's ya"ll
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Re: The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!


Post by theglide »

In Florida we've been getting Ireland, Italy and the UK in the early and mid-morning.

Not much of the East Coast.

Arizona, California and the Rockies during the afternoon.

I recommend to see what skip is running on what frequencies. Contact are updated every few minutes. The maps are awesome.
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Re: The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!


Post by MDYoungblood »

I had the UK most of the day then it went southwest. Have a couple of annoying DeeeAaa's on 38LSB (you know who is back on) so went to 39 for the rest of the day. Seems like skip is back for a time. Good contacts.


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Re: The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!


Post by Scholar »

Yes the skip has been great the last few days. Mid-day Europe is coming in good and steady, making great contacts with Germany, Ireland, England and France. Better than I thought I'd get on a vertical antenna and they stated I was coming into them strong and clear. Talked with France and England for about 20 minutes, some good conversations instead of just quick contact info and goodbye's.
Scholar (John)

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Re: The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!


Post by projectcop »

You guys are all making some great contacts! I hope to be making contacts like that when I finally get my base station together.
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Re: The skip was in today!! Hello 151 Wisconsin!!


Post by 1206FL »

It's a blast projectcop. I've made many contacts from the mobile and it's fun. But it's nice to relax in the house and make contacts and do it on a regular basis when conditions are good. Not to say it can't be done from the mobile, just seems easier with an antenna that is 30ft off the ground to the feed point. You can only get so high being mobile unless you stop and setup a base antenna and become a static mobile. At any rate it's fun making contacts and should be a lot easier with my new antenna. NV4K is now in the air and on air. Made several contacts before shutting it down last night around 8pm est. I surely hope it sticks around a bit. I spent a good chunk of time and money getting my new antenna setup correctly LOL. Have a good one and happy dxing!!
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