contex 150 model 6915 amplifier

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contex 150 model 6915 amplifier


Post by BlueSolo »

a old ham operator gifted me a Contex 150 series, Model 6915 a/c base spent years in his attic..had to have a good cleaning and had to hunt down 4-6JG6A tubes and 1(one)6B05 tube. The old Ham said he bought it in the early 70s, and its a 150 series,not a 150 watt out..pushes more than that. Has any one had any first hand experience with this brand or model...and how did it work for you? I plan to take it to my radio tech for him to check it over once my monthly SS Check comes in...don't want to burn the house down! Any/All info will be helpful. Thank You.

I saw this amp mentioned in a 10 year old post by 357-magnum/Foxhunter/Fatboy803..under Amp Building History..but nothing else about this unit!
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Re: contex 150 model 6915 amplifier


Post by MDYoungblood »

It was actually made by ABC Electronics and sold under the Contex name. If it has been stored for a while taking it to a tech will be a good thing,, hope he has a variac to plug it up to.


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