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Mamas Day Skip

Posted: May 12 2019, 08:46
by elektrikshock
Lots of skip coming into Long Island NY from Florida and Georgia this morning on my old Kenwood TS-870S, maybe I'll make a couple of contacts.

I'm using a simple 11 meter wire dipole at about 40' agl oriented to pick up signals N-S.

The internal antenna tuner gives me flat swr all over the 11m band, transmit power around 110w pep on LSB, 50w AM.


Re: Mamas Day Skip

Posted: May 15 2019, 16:20
by Midnight59
Yep it’s been crazy here in Massachusetts, I was lucky I got out to a few guys out in Indiana with no problem, I’m just running a galaxy 949 with a little wattage

Re: Mamas Day Skip

Posted: May 16 2019, 06:16
by MDYoungblood
I was really way too busy on Mama's Day to shoot any skip plus the recourse that would have happened being on the radio that day,, made up for it this week though.

