Stryker SR-447HPC2

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Stryker SR-447HPC2


Post by TnCbradios »

I am working on a friends Stryker SR-447HPC2 which is talking out just fine but when receiving the radio is very staticy and can barely be made out. The radio has been hooked up to an external speaker and has the same issue. It has been ran on his mobile setup which works with different radios and my bench setup and still has the same issue. I checked for static on the 4th prong of the audio receiver and there is plenty of static. I also check the frequency of channels 1-40 on a dosy meter and all channels are where they need to be. Any info on what might be causing the issue would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Stryker SR-447HPC2


Post by MDYoungblood »

How old is this radio? When someone is talking do they sound normal? Did this problem just start? I could think of a few more questions but fill us in with a couple more facts. Bottom line, it sounds like the receive has been tampered with so it needs to go in for a good alignment.


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