Looking for a POWER MIC any suggestions

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Mtn Lynx
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Looking for a POWER MIC any suggestions


Post by Mtn Lynx »

I run a Uniden 980 SSB in the mobile with a KL203P. Mic has a 6 pin connector. I am satisfied with the setup but need a little boost in transmit since DX has been crazy lately. I was making a dozen contacts a day a few weeks ago when DX was not too heavy. Making contacts is a lot harder and i dont want to spend any $ on a bigger AMP. Maybe a power mic might work for me. Thanks in advance.
\m/ >.< \m/
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Post by MDYoungblood »

The 980 comes with a pigtail adapter to use any 4 pin Cobra/Uniden/Galaxy wired mic. A decent inexpensive power mic would be the ProComm PSM4NC , (around $20), and it is noise cancelling, or the Superstar DM452, (around $25), it has echo (but I never used the echo). You can find both on eBay or Amazon.


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