Hi all, I have a DX-2547 that I use every so often and have not used it in a couple of weeks and find that output is extremely low. On AM it puts out about 1/2 watt dead key and swings to like 3 watts with modulation. SSB swings to about 3 watts as well. It used to put out like 8-10 watts dead key and swing to 15 or so on AM and SSB swung to like 20 watts. I am fairly handy and not afraid to try anything, can someone tell me what most likely the problem is or how I can check and/or what to replace?
Thanks for any help...Adam
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Added 3 hours 33 minutes 56 seconds after previous.
Hi all, so the radio has 2 finals, IR5620's and I replaced those 2 but no change? Can anyone help? Thanks, Adam
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Added 34 seconds after previous.
Meant IRF520's