Firecracker 50 info

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Firecracker 50 info


Post by j00163296 »

My parents bought a browning eagle back in the 70s along with a firecracker 50. From what I understand, it’s an antenna amplifier. It turns on and works as far as I can tell. I just wanted to get a little information about it so I don’t have to rip it apart before I know what I and I want to identify the parts inside of it and possibly make something else out it. I’m an amateur electronics enthusiast and I’m thinking of turning the whole system into something else that I can use. It’s been around ever since I can remember and I was born in 75. I believe it’s a a first addition eagle from the research I’ve done. Has the lollipop mike and everything works as far as I can tell. I even have extra vacuum tubes for it. I need help identifying some parts unit. Two bid metal cans the appears to be capacitors but I can’t find any info on this piece at all. Like nothing. Any help figuring out the components in this thing would be greatly appreciated. I started with electronics with midgets, bats, non, pop and components along those lines and I have very little experience with stuff of this age but I do have a really good understanding of electronics in the modern era, I just need some help with a couple components in this machine. Plus I really don’t want to rip it apart if I’m just going to ruin it. I would rather see someone else get some use out of. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Firecracker 50 info


Post by 443 Arizona »

hey you could post it for sale, :?: dont try to re-engineer it, use it as-is.
if you know any local radio guys, talk to them. ;)
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Re: Firecracker 50 info


Post by MDYoungblood »

Those little amplifiers back in the day were merely modulators, most AM CB’s lacked in the talk power department but when you added one of those little babies, the modulation boomed. Like 443 said, don’t destroy it by modding, if it’s in good shape, has all its lettering, not bent up, someone would buy it as a collector’s piece, I have several Palomar modulators in my collection.


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