Galaxy 2547 bad audio on ssb

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Galaxy 2547 bad audio on ssb


Post by Bigbadwolfb4u »

I have a Galaxy 2547 base station that sounds great on AM,but sounds terrible on ssb.
I am running a rm Italy 503 amp as a driver for my yaesu fl-2100b driving 80-100 watts from the rm- 503, into the yaesu,pushing about 650-700 watts out of the yaesu. I have tried lowering the wattage out of the Galaxy into the rm-503,which is a low wattage input amp anyway,and still pushing 80-100 watts into the yaesu,which requires 80-100 watts to drive that amp.
Could an overdriving issue be the culprit? And why would it only effect ssb and not am?
Swr is perfect,using a mfj antenna tuner on an antron 99,so antenna is matched.
What am I doing wrong,or does anyone have a possible answer to this problem?
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Re: Galaxy 2547 bad audio on ssb


Post by MDYoungblood »

How does it sound on SSB without the amp’s? Usually what goes in an amp is what comes out. Been years and have gotten rid of most my CB stuff, I think the 503 does around 250 driven by 12 to 20 pep,, my guess is you are overdriving.


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Re: Galaxy 2547 bad audio on ssb


Post by Bigbadwolfb4u »

Could be your right but no one is close enough to me to get a radio check barefoot,but will give it a try on skip barefoot.
Thanks for your response
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