somebody interfering on SSB

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somebody interfering on SSB


Post by 443 Arizona »

it starts with some bad music and designed to cause interference and is on 38Lower.
sort of a roaming broadcast and fades in and out with the skip, follows the skip.
guys 2000 miles away are complaining about it.
lasts for 30 minutes, sometimes less, sometimes more.
It has been happening for at least 7 years. always the same tactics,
today was the same except the guy was actually speaking, mumble jumble BS, just trying to disrupt.
has anybody else figured this guy out?
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Re: somebody interfering on SSB


Post by MDYoungblood »

With skip coming back and your location, it's probably those taxi services across the border coming back into your receive. there is always going to be someone trying to disrupt, I take them with a grain of salt! I have noticed a lot of the regulars that were on 38LSB have migrated to 39LSB and a few have been heard on the zero's.


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Re: somebody interfering on SSB


Post by jessejamesdallas »

wasn't me this time...I was on 28 AM. :P
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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