antenna coax

This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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antenna coax


Post by nicky1 »

I am putting a crank up mast section in my three leg tower. I want to run the coax down the center of the mast so I won't have to tie it off to the pipe. Will this work and not cause me any problems with transmit or receive ?
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Re: antenna coax


Post by jessejamesdallas »

work no problem...just have to be sure where the coax comes out of the pipe, it isn't rubbing on a sharp edge that could cut into it over a period of time from being out in the wind and weather.
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Mud-Duck Jr.
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Re: antenna coax


Post by nicky1 »

Absolutely !! it will have a good protective grommet at the top and bottom. Thank you much for the reply
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Re: antenna coax


Post by MDYoungblood »

Most of the hammie’s I know with crank up towers run the coax on the outside of the triangle so it doesn’t get hung up when lowering them. As long as the coax isn’t really close to the antenna’s elements there shouldn’t be any interference or SWR change.


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