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WorldWide 75 Videogates!

Posted: January 5th, 2024, 7:39 pm
by Marv
Powered by Marv-the-Mouth
Check out this YouTube video: WorldWide 75 Videogates! 1-5-24 Friday night check in. Ground Wave CB Club #2024 #cbradio by WorldWide 75 Video Gates.

Description: WorldWide 75 Videogates! Receiving antenna is at 84' off the ground. My location is Dover NC which is 50 miles west of Atlantic ...
Published on: 2024-01-05T22:59:31Z.

WorldWide 75 Videogates! 1-5-24 Friday night check in. Ground Wave CB Club #2024 #cbradio
Channel link | Video link
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Marv's Comment:
Oh wow, a YouTube video about CB radio. That's definitely what I was hoping to spend my time watching. I can't wait to see all the thrilling action of people checking in on a Friday night. It sounds like a real nail-biter.