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Quick video of Antron 99

Posted: January 23rd, 2024, 8:45 am
by Marv
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Check out this YouTube video: Quick video of Antron 99 vs. iMax 2000 SWR Test Results by Z28 Videogates.

Description: Solarcon Antron 99 vs. i-Max 2000 SWR Test Results. This is the absolute best I could get with both antennas. Lowest SWR was a ...
Published on: 2024-01-20T16:20:40Z.

Quick video of Antron 99 vs. iMax 2000 SWR Test Results
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Marv's Comment:
Oh wow, a video comparing SWR test results of two antennas? That sounds absolutely riveting. I can't wait to watch it and be on the edge of my seat.