Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas

This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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Mud-Duck Jr.
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Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by clubjoe »

The last Hurricane destroyed both of my antennas. One was an Imax 2000 the other was an Antron 99. The cost both antennas has gone through the roof. The worst part is the cost of shipping. I'm hoping to find a used Imax 2000 preferably. Let me know if I can find one at a decent price.

Now Sunny Brandon, Florida
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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by Windwalker »

Sorry to hear about your antennas. At least you are ok. I dont reccomend buying a used antenna of any sort for a base station. A 1/4 wave mobile whip maybe.
Unfortunately I would say bite the bullett and get new ones.

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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by 443 Arizona »

I would walk around until you find another one, or three, Helen distributed a bunch of them.
could try a simple longwire just to get back on the air.
sorry to hear of your dilema,
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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by MDYoungblood »

Sorry to hear about the antennas, back to back storms is a bite for sure. I doubt if you will find anyone that will have cheap shipping as the boxes are extra long, I did look on eBay and a couple had decent shipping but made up for it in the price of the antenna. You could find a ground plane 1/2 or 5/8 wave cheaper both in cost and shipping. Another thing is to watch for a hamfest in your area, could probably find one there.


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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by De_Wildfire »

Sorry to hear about the antennas. Try a local CB shop or one at a truck stop. That would eliminate shipping charges. Back in 2006, I bought the iMAX 2000 at a truck stop CB shop. My antenna has been up there since. With every new antenna, always throw up new coax too. Don't buy used.
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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by 443 Arizona »

hey Club Joe, I bet you could find a a boat antenna.
I wasn't kidding when I mentioned a longwire, if you don't have any knowledge of doing that, just ask us, we are all glad to help.
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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by De_Wildfire »

Yes, a long wire will do too. You can build real cheap a 11 meter dipole and string it up between the trees. You also put it up vertically. Cut the wire to the band, buy two insulators and rope to the the ends. Real cheap. Just ask us and we will go into more detail on where you can put it up.
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Mud-Duck Jr.
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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by clubjoe »

I have a very big Ham Fest this coming weekend (12/14/24). I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope to find an Imax. Next problem is finding someone to climb up my tree to take down the old one. There isn't any way of getting any kind of lift to get up there.

Sunny Brandon, FL
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Re: Hurricane Destroyed My Antennas


Post by De_Wildfire »

Hope you find the iMAX 2000 at a good price at the ham fest. I do talk skip to people having the A-99. They seem to get out good too. Have a neighbor climb the tree and offer a case of beer. I did that and the neighbor tied a rope hooked to the insulator. He was happy. Now as for my IMAX, I got a bunch of four foot military poles that locked into each other and it went right through the tree towards the top and I pushed up the iMAX. Push the iMAX up first and then do pole by pole under it. The tree branches will support it as it is going up. Every few years, I add a four foot pole. Undo the pole at the bottom and keep adding. I painted the iMAX green. I found three bags of metal military poles at a ham fest real cheap. Don't get the fiberglass military poles. At the top they tend to crack and break off. When I push up on all the poles and hold it away from the first pole, the better half slips a pole in at the bottom and I push up. Then I tell her to back away and I let all the poles slam down on the bottom pole. I always spray WD-40 on the poles so it lifts easy and slams down easy. I have had my iMAX up there since 2006.
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