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Barefoot On The Super Bowl Ch. Merry Christmas To Me :)

Posted: December 25th, 2006, 10:11 pm
by Phantom
How's that for a Christmas Day Treat.

Me and Barefoot Cobra 2000 and the firestik 7 ft'er made the trip to the 777 out of Downtown Indianapolis.

Wavin a hand.

Nothing, beats hittin with a barefoot radio on the SuperBowl Ch. Never did I think I could do that.

Sittin back luving my Cobra.

Happy Holidays to everyone.

309 Ontario, Canada.

Back Quiet.

Posted: December 26th, 2006, 3:31 pm
by North Texas Mudduck
yes sir i know the feeling

just be talking local and then someone comes in saying i got my ears plugged with local talking
then i answer him back and i forgot i didn't have the driver on and be talking away

then next the next day got 20 dB's of conditions and cant even get my name called with 5 grand

but that is conditions

merry Christmas to you and your conditions been dead around here