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Post by Guest »


CB lingo is a kind of living language that continues to change and develop, many of the terms used back in the 70's are still as popular today as they were when they first were coined.

Chicken Coop = Weigh Station
Lot Lizard = Truck Stop Prostitute
Pickle Park = Rest Area
Pickle Park Pleasers = Homosexuals that hang out at Rest Areas to pick up new friends
Four Wheelers = Cars
Beaver = Woman
Seat Cover = Woman's Blouse or Shirt
City Kitty = Local City Cop
County Mounty = County Cop
Bear = Highway Patrol
Full Grown Bear = Highway Patrol Car with all the lights, bells and whistles
Evil Kanevil = Cop on a Motorcycle
Kamikaze = A Speeding Motorcyclist
Fender Bender = Accident
Rubber Necker = People that slow down to look at an accident


A bit 10-1: Weak or fading station.

Advertising: Description of a marked police car with lights on (including the "Bubble Gum Machine") operating: "We've got a Smokey advertising at mile marker one-twenty-seven."

A little bit of help: Extra Power, running an amplifier.

Affirmative: Yes, 10-4.

Alligator: Refers to a retread which has come off a tire and is lying on the roadway. "Watch out for the alligator in the granny land by the one five six mile marker!"

Alligator station: "All mouth and no ears" The station can't hear you, but you can hear him.

Anchored modulator: Base station operator.

Appliance operator: An in-experienced CB operator.


Back Door: Behind a vehicle. "You're at my back door" or "I'll cover the back door." Used on highways to establish relative position. Also the designation of the station at the rear of a highway caravan of trucks watching for Smokies coming up behind. See also "Front Door" and "Rocking Chair."

Back Down: To slow down your vehicle's speed by removing or easing up your foot on the accelerator (hammer). "Back down, rocking chair, we have a Smokey coming up behind us."

Back'Em Up (Off): Slow down by pulling one's foot off the accelerator.

Back Out: One of a number of terms used to announce that you intend to stop transmitting and therefore conclude the conversation. "Let me back out of here for now."

Bad Scene: A term borrowed from the youth culture and applied to a crowded CB channel subject to many overlapping transmissions (layers). A real bad scene occurs during periods of high sunspot activity when skip conditions bring in stations hundreds of miles away.

Ballet Dancer: A swaying antenna, usually a bumper-mounted whip or fiberglass ears.

Band Bender: Side Band operator

Band Aid Wrapper: An ambulance. Also see "Wrapper."

Barefoot: Using only legal transmitter power: "I'm barefoot." Barefoot or "clean-cut" (the FCC is ruthless about the use of linear amplifiers ‘snowshoes’).

Barley Pop: A beverage made from barley and hops - beer.

Base (Base Station): A CB transceiver located in an apartment, home, or business that is a fixed location, as opposed to a mobile unit installed in a vehicle.

Basement: Channel one or below.

Bear: Police.

Bear Cave, Cage, Den: Police station.

Bear in the Air: A state patrolman in a helicopter or light plane who spots and clocks speeders. See "Smokey."

Bear in the Bushes: Police hiding.

Bear Bait: Someone driving over the limit with no radio.

Bear Bite: Speeding ticket

Beast: Unaffectionate term for CB transceiver: "The beast is only putting out three watts." Usually a rig that is not operating properly.

Beaver: Woman or girl.

Be-Bop: Tone signals transmitted by a radio control (RC) transmitter or a selective calling system that turns on a mobile transceiver when the correct code is received. RC signals are heard only on Channel 23, which is a shared frequency.

Big Charlie: Also known as the Big Double-C - the Federal Communications Commission. Originally a ham term.

Big Daddy: Not the benevolent person who helps young lovelies to cope with the world but rather he Federal Communications Commission.

Big Ears: A good receiver.

Big Slab: A big slab of concrete is an expressway.

Big Switch: The on-off control. Usually used in telling another that you intend to leave the air: "Time to pull the big switch, 01' Buddy."

Big Ten-Four: Hearty agreement with what the other operator has just said: "That's a big ten-four, Big Bopper."

Black Water: Trucker's term for coffee.

Bleeding: Interference caused by a station operating on a channel adjacent to yours: "Someone's bleeding on you" or "We got some bleedover." See also "step on" and "walk on."

Blessed Event: A new arrival in the family - a bouncing new CB rig. The cries will come from the spouse who learns what delivery cost.

Blew My Doors Off: To be passed by a vehicle traveling at high speed (usually at greater than the speed limit).

Bootlegger: Illegal radio operator who does not have a license to operate on the frequency he is using. CB bootleggers either do not have a valid station license or use frequencies other than the authorized CB channels.

Boulevard: An interstate highway, also referred to as the "Big Slab."

Boy Scouts: A somewhat less common name for state patrolmen, who are generally known as "Smokies" or "Bears."

Box: A linear amplifier, also known as a "linear snowshoes," or "foot warmer," that illegally boosts a CB transmitter's power beyond the maximum allowed by the FCC: "The rig's goanna sound better soon. I'm goanna get a box."

Break: Often used to initiate communications with another station. Used in a variety of ways,- e.g., break for information (request to anyone who hears the call to respond with information), break for anyone on (request, usually for a Smokey report or road conditions), for anyone on a certain highway, etc.

Breaker: A term, along with "Break," used when a CB operator wants others on a channel to break off routine chatter: "Breaker. Breaker.,, Also refers to the person who is calling: "Hold on, Pink Panther, we got a breaker." See also "button-pusher."

Breaking Up: A received signal is being interfered with for some reason. "You're breakin' up, good buddy."

Breaking Wind: The lead vehicle in a group of vehicles in communication by CB. See also "Front Door" and "Shaking the Trees."

Brush Your Teeth and Comb Your Hair: Phrase used to tell another he's approaching a radar-equipped police car ("Picture Taker"). To look your best means you've got to be legal.

Bubble gummer: A teenage CB operator.

Bug Out: Youth culture term used to politely (?) request someone to leave the channel: "Bug out, breaker" might be used by someone in a group that is hogging a channel. See "Cartel" and "Goon Squad" for them.

Button-Pusher: A breaker who is illegally attempting to interrupt transmissions on a channel by "keying-up" so as to transmit the AM carrier alone. Also, someone who is attempting to interrupt on-going transmissions by transmitting a "break" call.


Come Back: Term used to tell another you're ending your transmission and want him to begin transmitting to you: "Come back."















QSL Card: A card exchanged by CBer's and Amateur Radio Operators with whom they communicated with and received transmissions from. Here is my first Amateur Radio QSL CARD!

Click on it to see a larger view.


Radio Check: A radio interchange in which the purpose is to provide one of the participants with information about how well his signal is being transmitted. Usually the transmitter output is read in pounds (S-meter units). A general call to anyone to provide this service might be: "Break one-nine for a radio check."



Take (taking) Pictures: To operate a radar unit measuring the speed of vehicles, Various police officers - Smokies, county mounties, and local yokels - are fond of taking pictures.

Tear Jerker: From a long-standing slang term, but applied to the person' rather than the story. A person with hard luck stories. Also see "sunbeam."

Ten-Four: Frequently used ten-code acknowledgment that a transmission has been received and understood.

Ten-Roger: See "ten-four" and "roger".

Thermos Bottle: A tanker truck, especially one carrying chemicals under pressure or refrigeration.

Threes, 3's, 73's: Good Luck, best wishes.

Throwing: The act of transmitting, usually used with "pounds" in regard to the power of the signal. "How many pounds am I throwing?"

Tightening up The Rubber band: To accelerate, also known as "Putting the Hammer Down."

Tijuana Taxi: A marked State Police car with lights and antenna.

Trip, The: The distance between the transmitter and the receiver, usually in reference to how strong the signal is: "How am I making the trip?" Also see "putting on" and "throwing."

Ten Twenty: "Twenty" refers to location. Twenty. Often as in "What's your twenty?" An abbreviation of the ten code meaning "What's your location."


Vertical: Vertical ground plane antenna.

Vertical Side: Vertical polarization.

VFO: Variable frequency oscillator. Enables an operator to select any frequency within a band on which to transmit. Used by hams, but illegal for CBers.


Walked On (over): To have a signal interfered with by another signal, effectively preventing it from being understood. "Come again, Magic, someone just walked on you." See also "Step On."

Walking All Over You: Another louder station is covering up your signal.

Walking Tall: Good signal.

Walking The Dog: Good Sounding Station, able to talk over other station.

Wallpaper: QSL cards, exchanged by CBers, that have their handle and location printed on them, usually hung on a wall.

Wall to Wall (Wall to Wall and Tree Top Tall): There are two widely used meanings for this - One refers to loud and clear reception: "You're coming in wall to wall." The other refers to a remarkable number of police in a given area, such as Radar Alley: "Mercy, good buddy, the Bears here are wall to wall."

Wall to Wall Bears: Police road block, or just allot of Police cars on the road ahead.

Watch Your Back Door: Warning to move (drive) cautiously because of a police car coming up from the rear.

Waving a hand: Telling someone hello; or asking someone to pass it on. "Tell Big John that Magic is waving a hand at him."

Wheels. "We're on wheels" means the operator in question is in a vehicle.

Wind Jammer. A long-winded radio operator.

Wrapper. The paint color of a vehicle, usually a four-wheeler, used to identify a specific vehicle. "There's a bear in a blue wrapper sit-in' at marker one-two-four." Also see "plain wrapper."


XYL: An abbreviation for ex-young-lady, or wife. Originally an amateur term, its common equivalent is OW (old woman).


YL: Young Lady


Z's: Sleeping

Zoo: Police Headquarters
Last edited by Guest on January 19th, 2006, 11:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Guest »

Trucker Lingo

A big rig with a long nose

A tire recap or tire part from a blown tire on the road. Basically anything on the road that could jump up and bite you when run over it

Alligator Bait:
Bits and pieces of a blown tire

Alligator Radio Station:
A radio that can transmit well, but receives poorly

Any Number:
Usually the mile marker on the highway where a bear was seen

Back Door:
Behind you or to the rear, look in your mirror, a bear is coming up behind you

Back Out:
Finished talking, will now unkey

Back Quiet:
I have finished my transmission and you may proceed when ready

Back Row:
The area at some truck stops where hookers hang out

Bambi: A deer, whether dead or alive.

A highway, county or state police officer, generic term for a law enforcement officer

Bear In The Air:
A police airplane that monitors highway speeds below

Moving companies

Better half:
Your spouse, ie. your wife or girlfriend

Big Radio:
Means the radio is operating an illegal linear amplifier to boost the power

Big Road:
A major highway

Big/Tall Rubber:
24-inch tires.

Big Truck:
Usually an 18 wheeler when compared to small cars, but when compared to other trucks we are talking about a fast truck with a big engine

Bingo Cards:
Paper cards that hold trucking permits from various states

Bird Dog:
A radar detector

A Martin Truck company's truck. Named because of bird painted on the side of the trailers.

Running without a trailer

Top gear. "I've got 'er up into boogie now."

Boss Man:
Your supervisor at work

Brake Check:
A sudden slowdown in traffic, where you have to hit the brakes

The proper way to gain access to a busy channel

A not-so-formal version of good neighbor

Bull city:
Durham, NC

A mack truck

Bull Hauler:
A driver and or a truck and trailer for hauling live stock, usually cattle

Bumper Sticker:
An automobile following you too closely

Bundled Out:
Loaded very full

A long steep incline in eastern Oregon. "I smoked the brakes comin' off of Cabbage."

Capital City:
Raleigh, NC

Cash Box/Cash Register:
Toll booth on highway or bridge

Commercial Drivers License

Channel 9:
"Emergency Channel"

Channel 19:
The unofficially official "truckers" channel

Chicken Coop:
Weigh Station, State run scales for measuring and inspecting trucks

Chicken Lights:
Extra lights on the truck and trailer

City Kitty:
A city Police officer or patrol car

A tractor made by Navistar International which used to be named International Harvester

The center of a divided highway called the median

Come on, back:
Go ahead and transmit

Comic Book:
The drivers log book required for over the highway drivers. The record is frequently considered a joke or not true

Coming At You:
A situation where you have a bear coming towards you

What you call a "regular" 18 wheeler

Corn Flake:
A Consolidated Freightways truck

A male bonding term for a friend of yours

County Mountie:
A County Sheriff or Deputy

Covered Wagon:
A flat bed trailer with side kits, bows and tarp looking like a covered wagon.

Crotch Rocket:
A motorcycle

Dead Head:
To haul an empty truck. or Driving empty means you usually are not getting paid for the trip, you have to drive somewhere to get a load

Road construction

Detector Detector:
An electronic device used by Revenue Patrols to locate radar detectors

Diesel Car:
A "real" truck

Diesel Cop:
D.O.T. man, D.M.V. enforcement

Dispatcher Brains:
Indicates the truck is empty. Or full of dispatcher brains

Short for the Department Of Transportation, or a bear that works commercial vehicles

Do What?:
I did not copy/understand your last transmission, could you please repeat it ?

Double Nickel:
Means 55, speed limit

Down Stroke:
A hill going down

Dragon Fly:
A truck with no power, i.e. drag up hill, fly down hill

Dragon Wagon:
Tow Truck

Refers to the person you were talking to

Dry Box:
A freight trailer

Eighty Fifth Street:
Refers to I85

Eighteen Wheeler:
Any vehicle with 18 wheels on the ground Usually big trucks

Evil Kenivel:
A motorcycle cop

Fire In The Wire:
This means an amplified AM transmission

Flip Flop:
The return trip or A U-turn

Foot Warmer:
Refers to a linear

Forty Two:
I understand and I agree with you

Four Wheeler:
Specifically a passenger car but basically anyone who is not a trucker

am/fm radio

A Freightliner truck

Front door:
In front of you or to the front

Full Grown/Blown Bear:
A bear that is working traffic and looking for a customer

Fuzz Buster:
What the police call a Radar Detector

Garbage Hauler:
A driver of a refrigerated tractor trailer hauling produce

Git on:
Ramp The on ramp to a highway

A speeding truck driver, one known to accelerate/decelerate quickly

General Mess of Crap:
GMC trucks by Volvo/White

Georgia Overdrive:
Neutral gear

Gold City:
Goldsboro, NC

Good Buddy:
A **Censored**

Good Neighbor:
Same as driver the person you are talking with

Go To The Harley:
Put your CB on channel 1

Go To Double Harley:
Put your CB on channel 11

Got Your Ears On?:
Used when looking for someone on the CB. "Hey rubber duck, you got your ears on?"

Gouge On It:
Go fast, step on it

Grain Hauler:
A driver or truck and trailer built for hauling grain

Granny Lane:
The right, slow lane on an interstate highway or freeway

Greasy Side Up:
When a car or truck has flipped over

Green Stamps:
Money, usually tolls

Ground Pressure:
Weight. "The coop is just checking ground presssure; no sweat."

Gumball Machine:
Lights on top of a police cruiser. "He's got his gumball machine going."

Hammer Lane:
The fast, passing lane on an interstate highway or freeway

Hammer Down:
Go fast, step on it

Your name on the CB radio

Happy Happy:
Means happy new year

Have Shutter Trouble:
To fall asleep. "He ran off the road. Must of had shutter trouble."

Hit The Jackpot:
When police lights are flashing. "Looks like someone hit the jackpot."

Home Twenty:
Dwelling. In particular, the person talking's house, appartment, condo, etc.

Ho Chi Minh Trail:
California Highway 152, which has heavy traffic and is a "minefield" of accidents

Any conventional tractor, as opposed to a cab-over.

$100 Lane:
The left lane of a highway or freeway that has more than two lanes in each direction

In The Big Hole:
In top gear

A Kenworth truck

Key Down:
When you try to talk over someone that is transmitting

Kojak with a Kodak:
A police officer with a radar gun. "There's a Kojak with a Kodak behind the overpass."

Telephone/ telephone call

Large Car:
A big, fancy truck

Left Coast:
The West Coast

A linear amplifier

Local/Local Information:
Call for local information " break for some local information "

Log Book:
A diary for truckers/one of the things they check at the chicken coops

Lot Lizards:
A truck-stop hooker

Classification of general cargo carriers that specialize in Less Than Truck loads of cargo

Mardi Gras:
Welfare cheque day

A McDonalds with truck parking and clean restrooms

Meat Wagon:

Merry Merry:
Means Merry Christmas

A rush load. "I'm on a mission today."

A type of amplifier used for AM transmissions

Refers to a driver's wife or better half

Motion Lotion:

Moving On:
Means you have quit jabbin' and are now driving

Mud Duck:
A really weak/poor radio signal

Ninety Fifth Street:

Do you understand what I am saying?

No Doubt:
Truck that is used to transport several cars "piggy back"

Meaning there is one (bear) ahead

Parking Lot:
A truck carrying automobiles. Also, a traffic back-up

Pickemup Truck:
A pick up truck

Pickle Park:
A rest area or roadside park, often a hangout for hookers

Pig Hauler:
A driver and or truck and trailer built for hauling livestock, specifically pigs

Plain White Wrapper:
An unmarked police car

Power Up:
Go fast, step on it

Thank you very much

Schneider company trucks. So named because of their bright orange color


Radio Check:
A call to see if your radio is working

Term identifying a person that is known by the speaker

Nation wide group of volunteers who monitor channel 9 for emergency traffic

Readin' The Mail:
Just listening to the CB

A refrigerated cargo trailer

What truckers end almost every sentence with or commanly used."ROGER"

Road Pizza:
A badly mangled road kill

Means "yes" or "OK"

Any small car. Originally referred to a Volkswagen

Rolling on:
Same as steppin' on and moving on

Salt Shaker:
A snow plow

Sand Bagging:
to listen in on a channel without talking

Sand Box:
A gravel trailer

Schneider eggs:
Orange drums used by road work crews to block off a lane. They're the same color as Schneider company trucks

A Harley-Davidson motorcycle

Sesame Street:
CB channel 19. Named so because of child-like behavior that sometimes occurs

Seat Cover:
Someone who is sitting in the seat, Usually a pretty woman

Shakey Side:
The West Coast of the US

She Bear:
A female cop

Shoot You in the Back/Tail Pipe/Gastank:
Police operating radar as you drive past them

Short Short:
A short amount of time

Side Piece:
Also refers to a linear amplifier

Six Wheeler:
Any vehicle with 6 wheels on the ground

Skate Board:
A flatbed trailer

CB tend to be reflected from the atmosphere


Slow Wheels In Fast Traffic:
Another name for SWIFT company's trucks

Small Rubber:
22-inch tires

Comb your hair you are about to get your picture taken by a radar or laser gun

Smokey or Smokey the Bear:
A Highway Patrol or Revenue Patrol officer

Smokin' Scooter:
A motorcycle cop

Speed Limit:
What a four wheeler is constantly unaware of in traffic

A tour bus

Stand On It:
Accelerate with a quickness

Stepping On:
Means same as moving on, or rolling on

Means " it's always a pleasure talking with you ma'am "

Sure Wish I'd'a Faster Truck:
The SWIFT company's trucks

Swamp Donkey:
A moose

Carrying a load of carcass beef

Taking Pictures:
The process of using radar or a laser to shoot you and measure your speed

Means "OK"/ "YES"


Ten-Thirty Three:

Ten-Thirty Six:
Call for correct time

Thermos Bottle:
A tanker trailer

A Federal classification of general commodity carrier that carries a full Truck Load of cargo

Too Many Eggs in the Basket:

Lumber. "I got a load of toothpicks."

Travel Agent:

Triple Digit Ride:
A truck that can exceed 100 miles per hour

Turkey Day:

Turn Signal:
A light on the back of a vehicle which indicates future direction of movement

Up Stroke:
A hill going up

A tractor made by Volvo-White

Walked On Ya:
Someone keyed up with you and your transmission was unintelligible

Waiting For You:
A bear parked and waiting for traffic to drive by

Truckers favorite shopping center--Wal Mart. Lots of truck parking

West Coast Turnarounds:
Benzedrine pills, speed. So called because a driver could theoretically take some and drive from the East Coast to the West Coast, turn around, and drive back east without stopping to sleep

Similar to right?

Weighing Your Wagon:
The chicken coops are open and checking your weight

Wiggle Wagons:
Double or triple trailers

The city of Chicago

Name for the parking lot of a driver's company

A mile marker alongside a highway

When a woman is THAT good looking, you will hear this phrase

A specific direction indicated by the speaker
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Post by Guest »

Taco Town - Corpus Christi, Texas

Taking pictures - Police radar

Taking pictures each way - Two-way radar

Tanker - Truck hauling liquid

Tennessee Valley Indians - TV Interference

Tearjerker - A CB’er who always cries the blues

10-1 Receiving poorly

10-2 Receiving well

10-3 Stop transmitting

10-4 Ok, message received. Variations:

Big Ten-four




That’s a four



10-5 Relay message

10-6 Busy, stand by

10-7 Out of service. Leaving the air.

10-8 In service, taking calls.

10-9 Repeat message

10-10 Transmission complete, standing by.

10-11 Talking too fast.

10-12 Visitors present

10-13 Advise weather conditions

10-16 Make pickup at_________

10-17 Urgent business

10-18 Anything for us?

10-19 Nothing for you, return to base.

10-20 My location is_______. (i.e.- "My 20 is____", or "What’s your twenty?")

10-32 Radio Check

10-33 Emergency traffic at this station

10-34 Confidential information.

10-36 Correct time. An overused term that gets more grief than it’s worth

10-77 Negative contact

10-100 Restroom stop

Ten Roger - Message received.

Ten-ten - we’ll do it again Signoff.

The dirty side - New York City

Thread - Wires in a CB rig.

Three’s and eights - Signoff- Best wishes.

Thin - A very weak signal

Thin Man - CB’er with a weak carrier

Ticker Tape - The FCC rules

Ticks - FCC rules

Tin Can - CB rig

Tighten up on the rubber band - Accelerate

Tighten your seat, we’re running heavey - We are accelerating.

Tijuana Taxi - Police car; Wrecker; Taxi

Tinsel City - Hollywood California

Toenails are scratching - Full speed.

Toenails in the radiator - Full speed

Toenails on the front bumper - Full speed.

Toilet mouth - Foul mouth. Someone who uses obscene language.

Tooled-up - A souped up rig

Top Twenty - National CB Jamboree held 3 days each year in a different city.

Trading Stamps - Money.

Transceiver - Combination of Transmitter and Receiver in one box.

Treetop Tall Strong, - Loud signal

Trick babe - Prostitute

Tricky **Sensored**’s - San Clemente, California

Truck ‘em easy - Drive safely

Truck ‘em up stop - Truck Stop

T-R Switch - Transmit Receive switch found on older radios.

T – Town - Texarkana

Turkey - Dumb

Turkey Call - An intermittent tone generator

Turning around my house - Rotating my antenna for better reception.

Turn Over - Stop

Turn Twenty - Location of exit or turn.

TVI - Television Interference.

Twelves - I have company present.

Twenty - Location.

Two Stool beaver - Very fat woman.

Twin huskies - Dual antenna’s

Twin Pets - A CB’er who has 2 sets from the same manufacturer

Two miles of ditches for every mile of road - Drive safely, keep in the middle.

Tx - Transmit


U.C.B.T.A. - United CB Truckers Association

Ungowa Bwana - O.K.

Uncle Charlie - FCC

Uppers and Lowers - Indicates that the radio will go above channel 40 and below channel 1

USB - Upper Sideband

USCRC - United States Citizens Radio Council

Use the Jake - Slow down


Valve -Tube

V.F.O. - Variable Frequency Oscillator, sometimes called a "Slider".

VOX - Voice operated relay. Allows the operator to transmit with the sound of his voice, rather than using a microphone push-to-talk switch.


Wall-to-wall - Very strong signal. Often used in conjunction with "Treetop Tall"

Walkie-talkie - Portable, battery operated, handheld transceiver.

Walking in here blowing smoke - Clear signal.

Walking on you - Covering up your signal i.e.- "Try it again, the other guy is walking on you".

Walking the dog - Clear reception

Wallpaper - QSL cards

Wall-to-wall bears - Police are everywhere.

Wall-to-wall and treetop tall - Strong, clear signal – the loudest.

Wall-to-wall and ten feet tall - Strong clear signal

Warden - The wife, the FCC

Walked on - Same as "Stepped On"

Watch the pavement - Drive safely

Watch your donkey - Police are coming up behind you.

Water hole - Truck stop

Watergate City - Washington DC

Watt - RF power rating. "My rig puts out 5 watts".

Way is bueno - The road ahead is clear.

Wear your bumper out - Following too close.

Welfare station - CB setup bought with welfare money.

We’re c lear - Signoff

We’re down - Signoff

We gone - Signoff

We’re down, out, and on the side - Through transmitting but listening.

We’re listening - Monitoring the channel

We - While "We" normally means two or more, in most cases when you hear someone say "we" on the radio, he is referring to himself only. This strange use of the word "we" is not confined to the CB band spectrum only. Many hams use (or mis-use) this as well.

Wearing socks - Has linear amplifier.

We’re trying - Trying to make a contact.

What am I putting on you? - What kind of signal am I giving you on the meter?

What’s your twenty? - What is your location?

Whip - Long cb antenna

Who do you pull for? - Who do you work for?

Whomping on you - Another station is talking over your signal.

Wheels - The mobile unit

Wierdy - A home made CB rig

Wilco Roger - affirmative.

Wind Jammer - A long winded CB’er

Windy City - Chicago

Wooly Bear - Woman

Wooly-wooly - Woman

Working man - Truck driver (today they use "hand" for this term).

Work Twenty - Place of employment.

Wrapped Leaf - A CB rig in its original carton


XYL - The wife of a CB’er


YL - Young lady, Miss

Youngville - Young children using the channel

You got it - Letting another station know he has the "floor".

You gone? - Are you still there?

Your telephone is ringing - Someone is calling for you.


Z’s - Sleep
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Post by mudder »

I gotta remember that one city kitty thats
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Post by TexasBandit »

Taco Town - Corpus Christi, Texas

HAHAHAHA THAT IS SO TRUE!!!!!!!!! I live there too damnit
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Post by Guest »

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Mr. 9k9


Post by Mr. 9k9 »

Two of my own that usually get a laugh

Smokey the **Censored** - Female bear
Donut sucker - city cop
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Post by Guest »

I think you all got most of them.
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Post by bambini »

Here's one that looks to have been forgotten :

Choke & Puke - a truck stop restaurant :i_lol:
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Wow, That takes me back to Smokey and the Bandit !
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Boot Legger


Post by Boot Legger »

LOL.....Smokey the **Censored**!!! Thats the best I have heard yet....LOL!!!!!!!
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Post by BigX »

So what does it mean when Someone says, "and I just got down."
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Post by Shaft »

BigX wrote:So what does it mean when Someone says, "and I just got down."
I was wondering that one too. I heard that the other day.
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QuickSilver 112
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Post by QuickSilver 112 »

Shaft wrote:
BigX wrote:So what does it mean when Someone says, "and I just got down."
was wondering that one too. I heard that the other day.

Means just dropped the maul