"BatCaps" does, or has, anyone used these with a C

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"BatCaps" does, or has, anyone used these with a C


Post by humanphibian »

Here is a link:

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Looks they offer the stiffening ability of a regular capacitor, but with a much longer duration.

Has anyone tried these? Would using a batcap vs a regular cap offer a noticable increase "keydown time" before the voltage started to drop?
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Post by T2W »

dont waste your time or money.
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Post by bosshog »

care to explain in further detail as why to stay away. i am also curious about this product.
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Wordwide & Qualified
Wordwide & Qualified
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Joined: July 29th, 2006, 6:39 pm
Handle: Crusher
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Post by Crusher »

that Batcap is in essence a small battery. Here is a hint if what you are running is pulling down your electrical system, you need a bigger alternator before you worry about anything else. An extra battery is better than a cap., but if your system can't keep it charged, then eventually you will be even worse off or hook up a battery charger every night to keep everything up. But this will only work for small boxes. I ran a 3 pill and an 8 pill on a single alt. Couldn't keep the system charged unless I drove a hundred and fifty miles a day and kept my keydowns short.
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Post by humanphibian »

I have a 200 amp alt charging an Optima Yellow Top. It's not that I'm pulling my system down....but you can never have too much insurance (or too many toys for that matter 8) )
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Post by Stroker »

I always thought rule of thumb was that you should look to not exceed 80% of the capable current of your alt. I have a 140 amp running my truck 200 amp running my driver and a 320 ac running big box. no voltage drops . Starving equipment of current cause's excess strain and others issue's.
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Post by coondog »

humanphibian,i have and ran one of those batt caps and to tell ya the truth i wasn"t really flabbergasted by it.once i took it out there wasn"t any change in anything what so ever.
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Post by cannonball »

caps are really for car audio . works great for bass notes . not to great for cb amps because they discharge so quick. if someone tells you different they are full of it.
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Post by T2W »

cannonball wrote:caps are really for car audio . works great for bass notes . not to great for cb amps because they discharge so quick. if someone tells you different they are full of it.
that is correct! they are made for car audio.
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